New Stranger Blues
New Stranger Blues
Text och musik: Tampa Red
I’m a stranger here, just blowed in your town,
I’m a stranger here, just blowed in your town,
Just because I’m a stranger everybody wants to dog me around,
Lord, I wonder do my good gal know I’m here?
Lord, wonder do my good gal know I’m here,
Well, if she do she sure don’t seem to care.
I wonder how can some people dog a poor stranger so,
I wonder how can some people dog a poor stranger so,
They should remember they gonna reap what they sow.
I would stay up North but there’s nothing here that I can do,
I would stay up North but there’s nothing here that I can do,
But hang around this corner and sing the poor stranger blues.
Mama, I am going back south if I wear ninety nine pair of shoes,
Mama, I am going back south if I wear ninety nine pair of shoes,
Then I know I’ll be welcome and I won’t have the stranger’s blues.
En bra inspelning finns med Ramblin’ Jack Elliott på CDn ”A Stranger Here” (ANTI- 7005-2, 2009).
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