Backlash Blues, The
Tidskriften MOJO gav (som bilaga till novembernumret 2008) ut samlings-CDn ”Rebel Music. Songs of Protest and Insurrection”.
USA finns förstås representerat, inte bara genom Woody Guthrie. Rasfrågan är ett tema i ”Choice of Colors” med The Impressions, ett stycke R & B som kanske är väl smörigt i min smak. Men Nina Simones ”The Backlash Blues” med text av den afroamerikanske poeten Langston Hughes biter desto bättre:
The Backlash Blues
Text: Langston Hughes
Musik: Nina Simone
Mr. Backlash, Mr. Backlash
Just who do think I am
You raise my taxes, freeze my wages
And send my son to Vietnam
You give me second class houses
And second class schools
Do you think that alla colored folks
Are just second class fools
Mr. Backlash, I’m gonna leave you
With the backlash blues
When I try to find a job
To earn a little cash
All you got to offer
Is your mean old white backlash
But the world is big
Big and bright and round
And it’s full of folks like me
Who are black, yellow, beige and brown
Mr. Backlash, I’m gonna leave you
With the backlash blues
Mr. Backlash, Mr. Backlash
Just what do you think I got to lose
I’m gonna leave you
With the backlash blues
You’re the one will have the blues
Not me, just wait and see
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